For residents

Be a part of Venserpolder's Energy Future

For residents of Venserpolder in Amsterdam Southeast, the energy transition brings both opportunities and uncertainties. As the municipality plans to go “van het gas af” by 2040, the future of local heating grids remains unclear. Meanwhile, rising energy prices—like the sharp increase seen in 2022—could happen again, posing the risk of energy poverty for many households.

National policies are also changing. For example, the salderingsregeling (net metering for solar power) will be phased out in 2027, which may challenge the business case for installing rooftop solar panels. In an area like Venserpolder, where many households are part of homeowner associations (VVE’s) with mixed ownership, implementing solar panels or other renewable energy measures is already complex.

Additionally, grid congestion is becoming a more pressing issue, increasing the likelihood of power outages. This means that flexibility in energy use will become more crucial to avoid overloading the grid in the future.

The Challenges for Venserpolder Residents

With these factors in mind, residents face several key challenges:

  • Affordability: How can we ensure energy bills remain manageable?
  • Smart Energy Use: How can energy be used in a more flexible and intelligent way to prevent grid overload?
  • Local Ownership: How can residents take more control over their energy, becoming less reliant on unpredictable global markets?
  • Institutional Support: How can residents be supported by organizations to make the energy transition easier?
Image: GroenLinks
“Inclusion also means that the low-income citizens are supported and are offered the options to engage with a smart local energy platform.” – CoForce

The LIFE Project’s Approach

The LIFE project aims to address these challenges – not just through technology, but by focusing on community-driven solutions. We are exploring how to establish a local energy community in Venserpolder that can help residents reduce costs and gain more control over their energy needs.
This initiative involves a strong social component, engaging with residents to better understand their needs and preferences. Together, we are exploring:
  • Options for solar panel installations
  • The types of organizational structures that can support energy solutions
  • Opportunities for collaboration with key stakeholders, such as the Johan Cruijff ArenA, to create shared solutions for the neighborhood

Get involved!

If you are a resident in Venserpolder and interested in this initiative, please contact us! We are looking to expand our reach in the neighbourhood, and learn from as many people as possible about their needs. After the LIFE project ends in 2025, Co-Force is looking to gather a group of residents to take this initiative further, together.